Pledge your birthday and help change lives.


Pledge your birthday now and we will remind you a month before your birthday to ask your families and friends to give donantions as your birthday gift. It will be a very meaningful and menmorable birthday for both you and your acquaintance.

Fundraisers for the Gospel !

498 people have pledged.

  • 윤재봉
    Oct, 17
  • 김윤하
    Oct, 2
  • 김현택
    Jul, 21
  • 김진숙
    Oct, 15
  • 김진숙
    Dec, 2
  • 서유림
    Feb, 25
  • 백선용
    Nov, 26
  • 백은화
    Jan, 28
  • 유경일
    Dec, 5

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