호산나님이 온전히 섬기고 계십니다

Methodist Primary School(초 중등학교)


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첫번째 후원자가

KENYA 250명  students $50/mo.

Unlike many other NGOs,
OneBody focuses on sharing the Gospel.

There is nothing more important than sharing God’s Word.
Your donation and prayer will help change lives of the children.

Evangelism should not be expensive.

If we focus on sharing the Gospel, it doesn’t cost a lot.
When we give something else besides the Gospel, we have to be very careful.
We don’t need anything more than the Gosepl.
The Gospel itself is enough.

You are an evangelist!

You are not just a donor.
We don't work for what is just good.
We work for something eternal.
We work for the Gospel.
We are not ashamed of the gospel of Christ.
We are all called to be an evangelist.

Yes, Lord.

Fill the earth with the knowledge of the glory of God.
Set us free by the truth.
Your Word is truth.